Jill and Riley will be celebrating their love story at The Garden Villa this fall! Nicole Squared loves to share each of our clients love stories and here is theirs!
- Q. How did the two of you meet?
A. We met at a bar, Kiwis, hung out the next day and have been inseparable ever since. - Q. What did you do on your first date?
A. We went to Ale House then downtown to go dancing with my best friends, Ken and Amber. - Q. What one thing does he/she do that drives you crazy?
A. He pretends like he’s listening when I know he’s not, and when I question him he lists exactly what I said - Q. What is the best quality about your partner
A. His big heart and selflessness for others. - Q. Who wears the pants in your relationship?
A. I would say sometimes me, sometimes him. It depends…if it’s about food, it’s me. If it’s about difficult situations, we always discuss together. He has such a good heart and always lets me win - Q. Describe the moment that you knew he/she was The One!
A. When we were spending every day together and did not drive each other crazy! When I couldn’t imagine a day without him and how much he makes me laugh. I would say New Year’s Eve 2018 I had the moment. - Q. Tell us about the proposal!!
A. He arranged 2 of my best friends, Ken and amber (you met) to go to the beach with us to “take pictures” and get dinner at the beach, because he knows I love both things! When they were taking pictures of us, in between pics, he got down on one knee at the beach and had a whole speech. It was the sweetest thing and I could tell he was so nervous. I cried and hugged him and said YES! - Q. How does your wedding reflect your personal style?
A. Glitter, gold, rose, and ivory are my fav colors! And the dessert table will be all Riley and I’s favs! (Including our friends who we brought along for the tasting! Riley chose his groomsmen and his colors, navy, blush rose, and brown shoes! - Q. Tell us 2 or 3 words that sum up your wedding.
A. Simple. Intimate. Fun. - Q. What are your plans for your honeymoon?
A. We are thinking of a trip to Bahamas!
While we are still ironing out some of the wedding details we are excited to be working alongside some of our favorite vendors at The Garden Villa! This includes Cocktails Catering, Patrick Buckley Images, and Apple Blossom Florist. Stay tuned for their wedding photos at the end of the year!