The Lake Mary Events Center | Trissi and Jacob’s Love Story

Trissi and Jacob’s wedding is right around and the corner and Nicole Squared Events is excited to introduce you to Chapter one of their love story. We will be celebrating the next chapter of their lives at the beautiful Lake Mary Events Center on April 29, 2017. Stay tuned…

Thanks to Brian Pepper Photography for a sneak peak into their storybook romance!

Q. How did the two of you meet?
A. We met at the CrossFit gym
Q. What did you do on your first date?
A. We went to lunch right before Jacob left for a week long work trip
Q. What one thing does he/she do that drives you crazy?
A. Jacob walks slow
Trissi is always in a rush. Haha.
Q. What is the best quality about your partner
A. Jacob has the greatest smile. He can turn anyone’s bad day into a great one with just his smile.

Trissi has the biggest heart I’ve ever seen. She always wants to help everyone.
Q. Who wears the pants in your relationship?
A. Jacob wears the pants
Q. Describe the moment that you knew he/she was The One!
A. Trissi and I got into a fight and I wanted to walk away and something was telling me not to. That’s when I knew she was the one.

Before Jacob and I started dating I went to watch our churches’ men’s softball team play. It was pouring rain and there was no covered area to stand under to watch the game. Jacob was on the team, and in the middle of the game he ran all the way to his truck just to get me a rain jacket. That was it. I knew it!
Q. Tell us about the proposal!!
A. We went to Disney on Friday March 18, 2016. It was an extremely hot and very crowded day. We went on our first fast pass ride and decided to stop for lunch. We ended up getting the last lunch table at the “Be our Guest” restaurant; which is rare to get without a reservation.
We ate in the ballroom and it was wonderful! After lunch we went to our second fast pass. We had one more fast pass to go one and Trissi didn’t want to go. She was hot, complaining about wanting to leave and so on; we could not leave. I was going to propose to her on the last fast pass!
I tried everything. I told her we could go shopping and she turned it down. That’s when I knew it was going to be hard to get her to stay. So, I told her let’s just check on the wait time and see if it’s short and then we don’t have to wait for the fast pass. We walked over to the meet and greet and the wait was only 20 minutes. She decided to stay. Yes!
We waited in line and then we got to the room where we met Rapunzel and Cinderella. We met Rapunzel first then we started to walk towards Cinderella. I was walking slow because I didn’t want her to see me pull the ring out; Trissi is always rushing! I got over there and the photographer went to take the photo and I knelt on one knee and proposed. It felt like I was on one knee forever. She was so excited; she couldn’t even speak. Finally, after what felt like 10 minutes, she said YES! It was one magical day!!
Q. How does your wedding reflect your personal style?
A. Jacob was born country & Trissi loves rustic type things. We ended up going with a rustic/country elegant theme.
Q. Tell us 2 or 3 words that sum up your wedding.
A. Rustic, elegant, country
Q. What are your plans for your honeymoon?
A. We get married on a Saturday and are going to Disney the following day. Jacob has never been a cruise, so we leave for the Bahamas and Coco Key on Monday for 4 nights. We are super excited!!









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